Local time on November
9th, 2016, the American election results: Donald Trump was elected the 45th
President of the United States.
Despite the U.S.
ambassador Mr Baucus said to China on certainty yesterday: "no matter what
President candidate in the election, will not affect China-US relations."

But objectively,
different leaders have different ruling idea and style, will certainly bring
different effect to China.

Here to tease out the
Trump’s stage will bring 4 big influences to China’s economic.
1. High tariffs on Chinese goods, increasing downward pressure
on China's economy
In the last campaign
speech, Trump make much "fun" on China frequently. He said that
if elected, would increase 45% levy taxes on imports of Chinese products. Under the condition of
China's economic growth is slowing, it is bound to increase more pressure on
China's economy.
2. Depreciation pressure increased of RMB
Trump attacked the
Chinese government manipulation of the RMB, weakened the competitiveness of the
company in the United States, the United States is suffering from a Chinese
enterprise "massacre".
3. Abandon the TPP, it’s good for China
If the United States
withdraw Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), China can avoid excluded by
the trade agreements with the adverse economic impact.

4. "Low-key and maintain respect’ to China
Although Trump against
China frequently in public speaking, but foreign media has been claimed that
trump is sent to the "sting" of China. He thinks that China is a
strong competitor, so need powerful leaders in the United States. Trump’s government
would "low-key and maintain respect" to China.
I think that Trump
elected, the market will usher in a higher volatility, because of his win was
unexpected, is bound to bring higher uncertainty for market.
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