
Digging: 7 Business Opportunities About Our Future of Digital Economy

Summary: Are you imagine our future of the digital economy? 
We’ll get used to enjoy artificial intelligence and more convenience in our future common days. 
Thus, enterprises which have a vision should develop the area in advance. Such as Great Tao Group/eGTCP, it focuses on providing international buyers and china suppliers with one-stop credit service, making a major step forward in global trade.

The third World Internet Conference (WIC), is being held in Wuzhen, East China’s Zhejiang province between Nov. 16 and Nov. 18, will collect government officials, bushiness bosses and academics to discuss the future of the digital economy.

artificial intelligence, light of internet expo, egtcp

And the Light of Internet Expo opened in Wuzhen on Nov 15, as a part of the 2016 World Internet Conference.

The following are some highlights to be closely watched for this year's event:

artificial intelligence, light of internet expo, egtcp
Visitors control slot cars using only their thoughts by wearing sensors which interpret neural activity.

artificial intelligence, light of internet expo, egtcp
An exhibitor displays a hydraulically assisted driving simulator.

artificial intelligence, light of internet expo, egtcp
An exhibitor shows off a pair of high-tech gloves which use accelerometers to interpret sign language into speech, via a mobile phone app.

artificial intelligence, light of internet expo, egtcp
A visitor communicates with robot.

artificial intelligence, light of internet expo, egtcp
Models of driverless cars are guided around a display.

artificial intelligence, light of internet expo, egtcp
An attendee tries out a smart bicycle.

artificial intelligence, light of internet expo, egtcp
Virtual reality (VR) is a current favorite among techies, and the Light of the Internet Expo was no different, as guests lined up to try out the latest in VR gaming.

Besides artificial intelligence,  eGTCP is focus on serving buyers and suppliers with integrated credit services with our electronic global trade credit platform

global trade,wholesaler,credit services

International buyers can get many benefits from GTCP Card and GTCA Program.
International buyers are granted with the credit line within 90-120 days payment terms after GTR assessment and place orders towards intended suppliers with the credit line. So, international buyers could improve their purchasing capabilities, promoting the usage rate of capital and will also win larger Chinese markets.

credit card,credit services,global trade, wholesalers

And GTCA (Great Tao Credit Assurance Program), based on the credit, intends to assist the trading parties in providing a level of trust and resolving risk issues in trades. This program also aims at providing credit endorsement for international buyers on behalf of Chinese international trade companies, and offering an all-round transaction assurance to trading parties for fast order confirmation.

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