
How High-quality China Suppliers Can Keep You Out of Trouble?

Summary: Many wholesalers complained of unprofessional China suppliers. Don't worry,  eGTCP has a large scale of high-quality suppliers for global buyers to be choose.
china suppliers, china manufacturers, egtcp

Several problems of unprofessional suppliers 

A friend who purchasing auto parts always complain about his Chinese supplier because of the delayed delivery. And the supplier keeps looking for several reasons to fob him off.

As for a buyer, he has a proper sales plan, but now it was influenced by the supplier. It is too late to look for a new one. My friend dislike to change cooperative partner because this one offers good products. He has no choice although the prices move in response to the materiel’s price.

eGTCP helps out of trouble

Now, things has been changed. One Chinese platform screened high-quality suppliers in the area. They hold global exhibitions to accomplish the purpose of quick and accurate order match.

What’s more, you can order a free office in China and get much more other financial services such as trade financing, sourcing-exporting and logistics service,etc.

Let’s make the right choice, go and post sourcing request in this platform: eGTCP.com 

Besides artificial intelligence,  eGTCP is focus on serving buyers and suppliers with integrated credit services with our electronic global trade credit platform

global trade,wholesaler,credit services

International buyers can get many benefits from GTCP card and GTCA Program.
International buyers are granted with the credit line within 90-120 days payment terms after GTR assessment and place orders towards intended suppliers with the credit line. So, international buyers could improve their purchasing capabilities, promoting the usage rate of capital and will also win larger Chinese markets.

credit card,credit services,global trade, wholesalers

And GTCA (Great Tao Credit Assurance Program), based on the credit, intends to assist the trading parties in providing a level of trust and resolving risk issues in trades. This program also aims at providing credit endorsement for international buyers on behalf of Chinese international trade companies, and offering an all-round transaction assurance to trading parties for fast order confirmation.

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